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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thank-you, thank-you for all your tips! I down-sized some photos, checked carefully and payed attention to the HTML error messages.

Now, I think, my blog is better. At least for me, the side gadgets and links are there!
I'm off to work soon, then the allergy doctor and later yoga class. This will be a good day!


GreenishLady said...

Lila! So glad to see you figured it out. It was a shame to have all your pretty extras going invisible! [And I'm getting a great kick out of my newfound status of Blogger-buster! At last - my mistakes are beginning to pay off!]

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope you get some relief from your allergies! Pollen is in FULL force here in the mountains...AAHCHOOO!!!

Love your painting, too!

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