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Monday, April 28, 2014

Postponed departure

Due to severe weather hanging around the Southeast...through Wednesday.....[what a terrible weather event near Little Rock last night! That gave me second thoughts, for sure!]

I am waiting before "casting off on my voyage" see these two, and my other two fabulous grandchildren!

Oh, and it will be my darling daughter's birthday on Thursday, the day I hope to arrive!
Meanwhile, I have plenty to do here!

I have been quilting this 3 generation quilt . The blocks were made by my grandmother.....who saved every scrap and even pieced some of the little hexagons. This is a box of her scraps which I still have, ...... it means a lot to me now!

The dark blues and reds are from the early 1900's, the aqua and red from the 1940's! I will use some of her dark blue to repair a worn place on a couple of the blocks....see the safety pin?

My mother did the blanket stitch appliqué the last year she was with us. Once finished, I think this special quilt may go to Mom's namesake, her great granddaughter , Ella!

Also, now ready for hand sewing the strings and selvedges pink Parisian quilt....machine quilted by Kathy Turner with loops and pink thread.

Love it!

I have a little bit of a garden....I took these photos so that when I return, I can compare and see growth!

I had to try a new hybrid tomato...just because of its name, "Indigo Rose"! This photo is what they could be...

Very dark outside, sweet and bright red inside...

My quiet corner in the garden......( I dream of a real brick patio here, small but neat...someday!)

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