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Thursday, September 30, 2010

A thousand half-loves must be surrendered to take a whole heart home. -Rumi

May I have the courage Today

to live the life that I would love,

to postpone my dream no longer

but do at last what I came here for

and waste my heart on fear no more.----John O' Donohue

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. ~Annie Dillard, The Writing Life

Today is a beautiful, "seize the day" time of year! I pray to be able to decide what ARE my "half-loves". Those things which I like, but perhaps are things which distract me from doing something with my whole heart! [I am indebted to my friend Macrina for this quote from Rumi, which was included on her e-mail!]

I realize, that to be an artist, I must spend the time painting, creating today...because this IS my life....(thank-you, Annie Dillard and Thoreau).

And thanks to the late John O'Donohue for the poem about postponing dreams no longer!

[Finally, thanks to Martha Stewart for the image of the woman in the open door!]
My good news- since listing more paintings on Etsy this week, I have had sales. And one painting now seems to be destined to be on a book's cover. Truly, neglecting dreams is not an option!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Love the quotes...and I'm so happy for your good news! I'm going to put one on my wish list! Now if only I can decide which one! I love those with a bird in the painting...I think you have 4 of them! They are all beautiful! ♥

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

And thank you for the reminder - I really need this right now.

Shopgirl said...

Happy Fall! I am trying to catch up.
Hugs, Mary

gma said...

Dearest Lila
This is a wonderful post! Love the quotes. Such truth.
Congratulations...a book cover? Fantastic. sigh!

Julie said...


A book cover! I am so, so happy for you. Woot!!!

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