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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

How wonderful to have some time together! Below, 2 of my favorite guys, chatting while waiting for the "take-and-bake" pizza to be ready on Wednesday evening.

Time quickly passes,before we know it, it is time for a good-bye hug on Saturday morning. [He is leaving early so someone is still in her pj's!]

Now thank-goodness that I have my job to go to, or I'd feel like this little dog, watching out the window for the truck to come back!

We truly savored every minute, from an outing to a local construction site, [ The Walmart heiress is building a fabulous art museum near here.] to games of Scrabble with my Mom in the evenings. Good memories!

This oil painting by Deborah Elmquist of Port Orange, FL is called "Sew Many Memories".
I couldn't see the old SINGER at first glance. As someone who learned to sew on a similar machine, ( and still do at times with my little Singer Featherweight) I truly understand her painting!


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

They are tall and your son has your smile.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a great photo of you and your son! He must be REALLY tall! Aren't you about the same height as me? 5'4"? I'm glad you had a good visit! I sure miss my boys! BOOHOO!!!

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