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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doors to better health and strength

These are the doors to the yoga studio where I take classes. The studio is a beautiful peaceful environment.....I am truly blessed to be able to drop in there!

Now how cool is this?...... Our local studio is featured in the August issue of VOGUE magazine! Six studios across the U S are mentioned for being especially "green". The others are all on the west or east coast....VOGUE was impressed with our local yoga teacher and her center!

Never a jock or athlete, I have come to love yoga. It is non-competitive, good for all ages and stages of life. Whatever amount of yoga you are able to find room for in your life will be a benefit.

After reading, "Eat, Pray, Love", the best selling book by Elizabeth Gilbert, I decided to seek more diversity and adventure in my own local area...rather than take off to far away worlds. It has been wonderful!

If you have no studio in your area, there is always this book or DVD. [no is good!]

This is a photo which reminds me of my granddaughter (who is athletic, LOL!)
She will be here (coming from the Atlanta area) within the hour now! We have a big family weekend ahead.
I will be posting more about it eventually!

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