Hiding behind theses flower pots.....no it's not Peter Rabbit!.....
It is a smallish (just larger than a grapefruit) tortoise who pulled his head in when I approached with my camera! I my take him to a local park which has a creek running through it....lots of cool hiding places there. Perhaps he could meet more of his kin...
If you would like to make some "friends" or tortoises of your own, look at this PDF from Roman Socks blog! Granny squares looking very cute! She says that making them remids us of the value of SLOW!
Now I will slowly make my way to bring in the mail ( for Mom, mostly) and then slowly on to where I have the current novel I am enjoying, The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland. I love this booK! It is the fictioanlized story of Canadian artist Emily Carr who defied convention to travel alone and paint among the native tribes of British Columbia.