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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am "handicapped" for the moment....can only type with my right hand today. So this will be a brief post! [I strained my shoulder back and left arm doing several days of machine quilting on a quilt top. Even though I took breaks, I over did it!]

I want to share this delicious salad recipe which I found from Martha Stewart! It tasted so refreshing (but still "filling") after eating the usual comfort foods of winter! [ I tried several times to make a link within the text here...and haven't been able to. Could it be my MEDs???? LOL! Or more likely, Martha has some programing which takes away the link!]

The ingredients are spinach, cooked chicken (sliced thin), avocado slices, almond slices, red grapes cut in half and dressing of your choice. Delicious!


Bettyann said...

sorry to hear about your shoulder and arm..I cut my left hand cooking and hate that I am limited to what I can do..but then I remember others are having a harder time...take

JG said...

Your salad looks so good!

When I am sewing it is difficult to limit my time using my sewing machine. While watching the project take shape, it's hard to stop before I overdue it. I understand what you mean. Now, rest and take care. Later you can finish the quilt!

Janet said...

I hope you're feeling a little better. That must have been some sewing spree!

I love spinach in salads so this one appeals to me.

Anonymous said...

we had this salad last night - it was fantastic too!

Julie said...

Get well soon!

That salad does sound very refreshing. I have been craving lettuce lately! We have been eating those winter comfort foods. Mashed potatoes, gravy and roast beef two Sundays in a row!

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