Another altered book page..."A FEW GOOD MEN" As I cut and paste, I look for mostly feminine a lot of these were in the reject or "backside of the clipping". I can identify Hugh Jackman, St. John, Gregory Peck (I confess to adding him on purpose), and a greenman? Seems to me that most of the art and artists I see on blogs is very "girly" and men deserve a bit of time too!
....I left some of the original book text says, "Bless his heart"....and old saying which basically means they just can't help how they are!
This a good idea and a great result. My collages are all very girly too. I will have to take inspiration from you.
That's really interesting to me. I too had a realisation that almost all my collage contained female and feminine imagery, and noticing the absence of men, set about creating a card that celebrated masculine creativity. I love the collection of men I found for that card. I'll post it on my SoulFragments blog.
of course I woul like to add men, too!
I think the only I have ever used in a collage was John Lennon and I love it so much that I had to do another one as a merman.
I have no cure for obsession, LOL
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