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Monday, September 05, 2011

What gifts!
Peaches from a local orchard and fresh basil from the garden of a friend!

Not only do they make a pretty picture together, but, I remember seeing recipes which combine them....

....after reading through several (they use way too much sugar!) I have a plan!

Peaches are chopped and put into a bowl. The basil is chopped and heated in a small saucepan with 3/4 c. water and 3 T. honey. just 'til it simmers.

Pour over the peaches. Cover and let flavors blend for an hour or so.

Serve over pound cake and with vanilla frozen yogurt! Yum! Luscious!


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Yum - just love the peach season!

Suspinz: Dabbler in Many Things said...

Looks and sounds yummy! Now if the squirrel hadn't gotten all my basils...think I'll combine my peaches with a few blueberries, but the basil would have been perfect.

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