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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Today I have raked another bag or two of leaves...
seems harder to get them all each year! (I
have a hard time making myself do more than 2 or 3
bags at the most, just want to "play" on-line or
make things!)

I took more watercolor paintings to the gallery today. (see the
They are having a holiday open house on Saturday and I
was happy to have more offered for sale there!

Painting is one of the most enjoyable things I do with my time off.
now It's time for going back to work for a few week I need to sew a retro apron (one last Christmas gift!) and then clean the sewingroom/studio/guest room!


gma said...

Lila....your watercolor paintings are absolutely lovely!!!! Beautiful colors and values. Do you paint from still life or photo's or from memory?

Lila Rostenberg said...

Usually from still life, occasionally photos or my imagination. Sometimes a combination of these. I find it hard to cook and use beautiful produce before I have made a painting of it!

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